Getting Started

Last updated: April 29, 2020 by BAS

Welcome to Edusuite! Once you have successfully logged in, you now have access to awesome class list management and online grading features.

Edusuite is best accessed on a desktop computer with Google Chrome as your browser.


You are now on the dashboard! Your dashboard gives you an overview of your on-going classes and pending clearance items or tasks in the form of "widgets".

The classes widget will contain you current classes with their corresponding schedules displayed.

You can view the previous, current and next term widgets by selecting the term below the 'Home' header on the upper middle portion of your dashboard.

Todo List and Clearances

Your Tasks, found on the right portion of your dashboard, is the list of things you need to accomplish.

Per task, you can see its Name or Title, brief description of the task and its due date.

Currently there are three statuses for the tasks:

  • Pending - The starting status of any task assigned to you. These tasks will have a hollow circle, meaning it has not been accomplished yet.

Click on the hollow circle or name of the task from the list if you believe that this item has already been accomplished. Doing this only notifies the clearance reviewer that you are done with the task and not marking it as officially 'done'.

  • For Verification - These tasks will have a blue clock icon, meaning you've marked this as a requirement that the clearance reviewer (person or department who assigned you the task) needs to check.

  • Done - Tasks with a check mark in the circle and crossed out task details signifies that the clearance reviewer has already reviewed and marked your task as complete.

Last updated