
Last updated: April 29, 2020 by CBT

. On the upper right corner of the page, click on “New Discount” to open the new discount form.

2. Fill out the necessary details, then click Add Discount.

NOTE: It’s always best to have a descriptive label.

3. You will see that your discount is now added in the list of discounts.

Editing A Discount

1. Choose a discount from the list of discounts and click on its pencil/edit icon.

2. A form similar to the create discount form will appear. Update the details accordingly, then click “Update Discount”.

3. Your discount should now be updated.

Deleting A Discount

1. Choose a discount from the list of discounts and click on its trash/delete icon.

2. You will see a message asking if you are sure you want to delete this item. Click “Delete”.

3. Your discount should now be removed from the list.

Searching A Discount

1. On the search bar above, input a keyword or the full text of the discount you want to search for, then press Enter on your keyboard.

2. The results should display on the list below.

Last updated