School Year

Last updated: May 8, 2020 by JTG

Grade Sheet Locking and Viewing

Purpose: To manage the Grading Sheet access to users

Prerequisite/Dependencies: None

Go to Settings > School Settings > School Year

Enabling / Disabling the View for a Grading Sheet

2) A confirmation message will appear, click Yes to proceed.

The current view setup will also be applicable to guardian portal. If enabled or disabled, the guardian will also view or not view the grading sheet for that term.

3) A notification message will appear for successful update.

Enabling / Disabling the Editing for a Grading Sheet

2) A notification message will appear for successful update.

Start Next School Year

Purpose: To start the next school year

Prerequisite/Dependencies: TBD

1) Click Start Next School Year

2.) The system will check if all pre-requisites are satisfied. It will prompt the specific items to check before next school year can be started. Otherwise, it will proceed on.

Last updated