Ongoing Classes
Last updated: May 14, 2020 by CBT
View and manage current classes with Ongoing Classes. You can view class details and update student grades with this feature.
Click on the “Ongoing Classes” tab found under Menu. This will bring you the Ongoing Classes page.
Filtering of Ongoing Classes
If You would like to filter and sort the data, click on the "Filter" button on the right side
As soon as you have selected your desired filter, click on the "Filter" Button once done
Viewing A Class
1. You can view the enrolled students in a class by choosing a class and clicking its “View Class” found on the rightmost part of its row.
2. A side window will appear showing a list of the enrolled students and student grades.
Updating Grades
1. In the View Class, you can update a student’s grades by clicking the pencil/update grades icon on the upper right corner of the page.
2. You will see that the grade fields in the list are now editable. You can edit the grades by choosing the student and which grade set (midterm, final, or average final) you want to edit, then choosing the grades provided from the dropdown selection.
3. When you are done updating student grades, click “Save Changes” to finalize.
Including A Student
1. If you need to include a student to a class, view a class and click on the “Include Student” icon on the upper right corner of the page.
2. On the form that appears, choose as much students as you need using the dropdown list of students, then click “Add Students”.
3. The students you chose are now included in the class and in the list below.
Searching A Student
1. To search for a student, type in the name or a keyword on the search bar above, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
2. The results will be displayed on the list below.
Last updated