
Last updated: May 20, 2020 by ASL

Purpose: To manage the enlistment of students

Prerequisite/dependencies: Students

Output: Enlisted students

Go to Enrollment > Enlistment

Viewing a Student

In the drop-down-search box on the right side, type the student's name or student number then click it.

To breakdown the details, let's take the example above:


  • Enlistment Status - on the example, it's PENDING

    • Pending - initial status; not yet enlisted nor enrolled

    • Enlisted - no longer pending, but not yet officially enrolled

    • Enrolled - required payment was made after enlistment, and is now officially enrolled

  • School Year (dropdown) - for what school year the student is enrolling in? Default is the incoming school year but can be for the current school year (late enrollment).

On-time Enlistment - when the incoming school year has not been started yet.

Late Enlistment - when the school year has been started already and student enrolls afterwards.

See School Year for more info.

  • Incoming Grade level - what level the student will be for that school year?

  • Incoming Section - if sections are already setup, this can also be set here

  • Student status - can be:

    • New - newly admitted student

    • Old - has existing record already since last school year

    • Returnee - has existing record already but not from last year

  • Nationality - can either be Filipino or Foreign

  • Payment Scheme Options - if Payment scheme is not yet selected, it will show all the computation per Payment Scheme. If selected, it will only show the selected Payment Scheme's computation


  • Payment Scheme - what payment scheme is currently selected

  • Tuition plan breakdown - Tuition Plan assigned to the student is shown and listed down

Yellow Exclamation Point Mark - fee is excluded from installment computation. See Tuition Plan for more details.

Blue Question Mark - includes discounts and transferred over payment.

Changing the Payment Scheme

Payment Scheme is usually set during Enlistment. However, it can be changed during payments as well.

1) On the upper right portion, select the Payment Scheme to apply.

2) Once selected, it will immediately show the breakdown for that payment scheme on the lower left portion.

Adding a Discount

1) Click + Add discount

2) Select the discount to apply. One discount can be selected at a time.

3) One selected, click Apply discount.

4) The selected discount will immediately be applied once added.

Deleting a Discount

1) Click the collapsible button on the left side of Deductions to show all the discounts applied to the student.

2) Hover on the discount to remove; an X will appear on the rightmost side.

3) Click the X button to remove the discount.

4) The deleted discount will immediately be applied once removed.

Adding an Additional Charge (Penalty)

1) Click + Add additional charge

2) Select the additional charge to apply. One additional charge can be selected at a time.

3) One selected, click Apply additional charge.

4) The selected additional charge will immediately be applied once added.

Deleting an Additional Charge (Penalty)

1) Click the collapsible button on the left side of Additional Charges to show all the charges applied to the student.

2) Hover on the charge to remove; an X will appear on the rightmost side.

3) Click the X button to remove the discount.

4) The deleted charge will immediately be applied once removed.

Discarding all the Changes Made

Downloading a Student's Assessment Form

Assessment Form can be downloaded anytime regardless if the student's Enlistment Status is still Pending, Enlisted, or Enrolled.

On the upper right portion, click the download button. It will contain the current information of the screen once download has been initiated.

Enlisting a Student

1) Once all information has been verified and all adjustment where made, the student can now be enlisted. Click Enlist student to proceed.

2) It will prompt a warning message about the enlistment. Click Yes once reviewed.

3) Once enlisted, the status will also change from PENDING to ENLISTED.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Pending content

Last updated