User Information Fields
Last updated: May 11, 2020 by JTG
Purpose: To manage information that should appear on a user. For now, these fields will only appear for Students.
Prerequisite/Dependencies: None
Output: Updated user information fields that appear on user's profile
Go to Users > User setup > User Information Fields
Creating a New Information Group
1) Click New Group.
2) Input Label for the group.
3) Once done, don't forget to click Add field group.
Renaming an Information Group
Arranging Information Groups
The arrangement of the groups is how it will appear in the user's profile.
1) Place the mouse pointer in the group to arrange; the hand pointer should appear.
2) Drag-and-drop the group on the desired position.
Deleting an Information Group
Adding New Fields inside an Information Group
1) Click + Add New field.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
Label - what to call the field
Field Type - choose among:
Text Field - free-form
Number Field - only numbers are allowed
Dropdown - create a selector in which user can select one
Dropdown Multiple - create a selector in which user can select more than one
File - for attachments
Email - for email address
Date - for date-related input (e.g. birth date)
Bind to - can be blank; if a field is bound to any of the following, its value is what will reflect in the SF1 report:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Require (tickbox) - when ticked, user is required to input information for this field
3) Once done, don't forget to click Add field.
Editing a Field inside an Information Group
Arranging the fields inside an Information Group
The arrangement of the fields is how it will appear in the user's profile.
1) Place the mouse pointer in the field to arrange; the hand pointer should appear.
2) Drag-and-drop the field on the desired position.
Deleting a Field inside an Information Group
Last updated