Last updated: May 8, 2020 by JTG
Purpose: To manage all the web user accounts in the system
Prerequisite/Dependencies: User Roles
Output: New web user accounts in the system
Go to Users > User setup > Users
Importing New Users (via CSV file)
Using import saves time from creating users one by one.
1) Click Import on the upper right portion.
2) It will prompt the required data for a successful import:
Email - must be unique
Contact Number - must be numbers only ex. 09XX XXX XXXX
Roles - what set of privileges should the user have?; should be from User Roles and can be multiple separated by "|")
A template is also provided where these data can be inputted.
3) Once all data is provided and attached, don't forget to click Import.
Creating a New User
Only non-student and non-Faculty should be created in this function. Users who are Student or Faculty should be created on Student or Faculty modules separately.
Although this is the process, note that ALL users including Students and Faculty (once created) can be managed from this module.
1) To manually create a user, click + New User.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
First, Middle, Last Names
Email - must be unique
Contact Number - must be numbers only ex. 09XX XXX XXXX
Roles - what set of privileges should the user have?; should be from User Roles and can be multiple separated by "|")
3) Once done, don't forget to click Add user.
Editing a User
Resetting a User's Password
1) Click Reset Password.
2) It will prompt to confirm action. Click Yes.
3) The user will receive email notification containing the link to change password.
Searching a User
Sorting all Users
All filters - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
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