Non-academic Grading Setup
Last updated: April 30, 2020 by CLG
Purpose: To setup the variables for Non-Academic grading
Prerequisite/dependencies: None
Output: Grading components and systems for Non-Academic
Go to Planning > Grading Setup
Non-Academic Grading Systems
This manages the non-academic rubrics are graded.
Select Grading System.
Creating a New Non-Academic Grading System
1) Click +New.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
Name - what to call the component
Description - more details about the template
Type - choose between List or Range
3) Once done, don't forget to click Add new grading system.
Editing a Non-Academic Grading System
Deleting a Non-Academic Grading System
Searching a Non-Academic Grading System
Sorting Non-Academic Grading Systems
By Name - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
By Description - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
Non-Academic Grading Templates
This manages what non-academic rubrics are graded.
Select Grading Templates.
Creating a New Non-Academic Grading Template
1) Click +New.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
Name - what to call the component
Description - more details about the template
Display total/average column in reports - Additional option if your non-academic template utilizes numeric grades. (ie Attendance)
Display total/average column in reports options | |
Do not compute column to display the final grade | Will not display the additional ave/sum column |
Show the sum grade of all terms | Computes for the sum of grades. |
Show the average grade of all terms | Computes for the average of grades. |
3) Once done, click Add grading template.
4) Click on View to add Rubrics/Components.
5) Click on the drop-down below Applies to and select the Grade Level/s where the Grading Template applies to.
6) Click on Add New Rubric to add different Components. Choose the corresponding Non-Academic Grading System that applies to each component. If a component requires a text box, choose Freeform.
7) Add multiple components as needed.
7) Once done, click Save.
Editing a Non-Academic Grading Template
Deleting a Non-Academic Grading Template
Searching a Non-Academic Grading Template
Sorting a Non-Academic Grading Template
By Name - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
By Label (description) - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
Last updated