Non-academic Grading Setup

Last updated: April 30, 2020 by CLG

Purpose: To setup the variables for Non-Academic grading

Prerequisite/dependencies: None

Output: Grading components and systems for Non-Academic

Go to Planning > Grading Setup

Non-Academic Grading Systems

This manages the non-academic rubrics are graded.

Select Grading System.

Creating a New Non-Academic Grading System

1) Click +New.

2) Fill out the necessary details:

  • Name - what to call the component

  • Description - more details about the template

  • Type - choose between List or Range

3) Once done, don't forget to click Add new grading system.

Editing a Non-Academic Grading System

Deleting a Non-Academic Grading System

Searching a Non-Academic Grading System

Sorting Non-Academic Grading Systems

By Name - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A

By Description - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A

Non-Academic Grading Templates

This manages what non-academic rubrics are graded.

Select Grading Templates.

Creating a New Non-Academic Grading Template

1) Click +New.

2) Fill out the necessary details:

  • Name - what to call the component

  • Description - more details about the template

  • Display total/average column in reports - Additional option if your non-academic template utilizes numeric grades. (ie Attendance)

Display total/average column in reports options

Do not compute column to display the final grade

Will not display the additional ave/sum column

Show the sum grade of all terms

Computes for the sum of grades.

Show the average grade of all terms

Computes for the average of grades.

3) Once done, click Add grading template.

4) Click on View to add Rubrics/Components.

5) Click on the drop-down below Applies to and select the Grade Level/s where the Grading Template applies to.

6) Click on Add New Rubric to add different Components. Choose the corresponding Non-Academic Grading System that applies to each component. If a component requires a text box, choose Freeform.

7) Add multiple components as needed.

7) Once done, click Save.

Editing a Non-Academic Grading Template

Deleting a Non-Academic Grading Template

Searching a Non-Academic Grading Template

Sorting a Non-Academic Grading Template

By Name - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A

By Label (description) - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A

Last updated