Advanced and Electives Subject Tagging

Last updated: October 20, 2020 by BAS

This module allows users to tag students to subjects that not all of their classmates are required to take.

Subject Tagging applies to school supplies (books) order filtering. Only students that are tagged to specific subjects will be able to view the corresponding school supplies.

Similarly, the subject tagging module will also apply for grading. If at least one student is tagged to either an Advanced, Regular or Electives subject, the system will create a separate scoresheet for those students tagged.

To go to the Subject Tagging screen, navigate to the Enrollment menu and then click Subject Tagging.

Below is the subject type guide for reference. Only Advanced, Regular and Elective subjects is allowed to be tagged to students.

Subject Type

Applies to (Grade Levels)


Pre-School to Grade 10


Pre-School to Grade 10


Grade 11 - Grade 12

You are not allowed to tag individual students to Core subjects. By default, all students are tagged to core subjects.

How to Tag Students

Make sure that you are in the correct SY by selecting from the SY dropdown. By default, this dropdown always points to the next SY.

1) In the Subjects Tagging module, click the Tag Subjects button on the upper right.

2) In the pop-up that appears, click on the Student field/dropdown and choose the student to tag.

3) Click on the Subject field/dropdown and choose the subject to tag to the student. Only one subject per student tagging is currently supported.

4) Click the Tag Subject button to proceed.

5) A confirmation notification will appear

How To Untag Students

You are allowed to untag students any time. However, a student will be removed from the scoresheets immediately once they are untagged.

Make sure that you are in the correct SY by selecting from the SY dropdown. By default, this dropdown always points to the next SY.

1) Click the delete/trash button on the row of the student you want to untag.

2) To proceed, click the Yes, Delete button and then a confirmation notification will appear.

Last updated