Last updated: December 16, 2021 by BAS
The new colleges workflow is a way for schools to group programs together. The grouping is also applied as a filter in the Scheduler view.
Navigate to the Planning Setup menu under Planning and click Colleges:
Creating new Colleges
1) Click the +New College button
2) In the popup, fill out all necessary details of the college you are adding:
College Code | Abbreviation of college |
Description | Full description of the college |
Dean | This will contain the list of users tagged as dean |
Assistants to the Dean | This will contain the list of users, except the selected dean |
The assigned Dean and Assistants to the Dean will have the colleges filter applied for viewing and editing the Schedules. They will only be able to view and edit sections/schedules under their respective colleges.
3) Click the Add College button
Editing Colleges
1) From the colleges list, select the item to edit and then click on the edit/pencil button
2) In the popup, edit/update all the necessary fields and click the Update Department button.
Assigning Programs to Colleges
To assign programs to colleges, colleges must have already been created.
1) From the Programs list, select which program to assign to a college and click the edit button
2) In the popup's College Code field, choose which college to assign and click the Update Program button.
Searching from the Colleges List
1) From the Colleges list, click the search bar on the upper right portion, type in your keywords and press enter.
Deleting a College
To delete a college , choose a College type to delete and click on its delete/trash icon.
An alert message will show asking if you are sure you want to delete the item. Click “Delete” to finalize the deletion. Your chosen item has now disappeared from the list.
Last updated