Grade Levels
Last updated: April 30, 2020 by CLG
Purpose: To setup each level's curriculum
Prerequisite/dependencies: Academic Grading Template, Academic Transmutation Table, Units, Room Type, Schedule Type, Tracks/Strands
Output: Curriculum per grade level
Go to Planning > School year Setup > Grade Levels.
Importing Curriculum (via CSV file)
Using import saves time from creating curriculum one by one.
1) Click on the drop-down below Grade Level and choose which School year to manage.
2) Click Import on the upper right portion.
2) It will prompt the required data and format for a successful import:
Grade level - input "KINDER_1", "KINDER_2", "GRADE_1", "GRADE_2", "GRADE_3" and so on
Strand code - input NO_STRAND for grades 1-10; should be from Track/Strands entries.
Subject code - must be unique per grade level
Subject description - more details about the subject
Room type code - under what room type does this room belong?; should be from Room Type entries.
Transmutation table - what transmutation table should this subject use?; should be from Transmutation entries.
Grading template - how should this subject be graded?; should be from Academic Grading Template entries.
Schedule type - how should this subject be scheduled?; should be from Schedule Type entries.
Active terms - what school term should this subject be taken?; ex. 1|2|3|4
A template is also provided where these data can be inputted.
3) Once all data is provided and attached, don't forget to click Import.
Managing a Grade Level's Curriculum
1) Click on the drop-down below Grade Level and choose which School year to manage.
2) Click Edit Curriculum of the Grade Level.
Creating a New Subject
1) Click + New Subject.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
Code - subject code; must be unique per grade level
Description - more details about the subject
Weight - how much does the subject weighs?; used in computation of term average
Room Type - under what room type does this room belong?; select from the drop-down, which are from Room Type entries.
Grading Template - how should this subject be graded?; select from the drop-down, which are from
Schedule type - how should this subject be scheduled?; select from the drop-down, which are from
Numeric Transmutation - what transmutation table should this subject use?; select from the drop-down, which are from Transmutation entries.
(Optional) Secondary Transmutation - what other transmutation table should this subject use? Click +Add another transmutation and select from the drop-down, which are from Transmutation entries.
Click the box beside Show Reports to choose which Transmutation will reflect in the report card (can be multiple).
3) Once done, don't forget to click Add subject.
4) The new subject will be added to the Other Subjects list.
Creating a New Composite Subject
1) Click + New Composite Subject.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
Code - composite subject code; must be unique per grade level
Description - more details about the composite subject
Weight - how much does the composite subject weighs?; used in computation of term average
Show composite grade in reports (checkbox) - should the grade per subject component show in the report card?
3) Click +Add Subject Component. The drop-down contains all subjects created already. Choose from the list if the component has been created already.
4) Otherwise, click + New Subject Component to create a new subject component.
5) Fill out the necessary details:
Code - subject code; must be unique per grade level
Description - more details about the subject
Weight - how much does the subject weighs?; used in computation of term average
Room Type - under what room type does this room belong?; select from the drop-down, which are from Room Type entries.
Grading Template - how should this subject be graded?; select from the drop-down, which are from
Schedule type - how should this subject be scheduled?; select from the drop-down, which are from
Numeric Transmutation - what transmutation table should this subject use?; select from the drop-down, which are from Transmutation entries.
(Optional) Secondary Transmutation - what other transmutation table should this subject use? Click +Add another transmutation and select from the drop-down, which are from Transmutation entries.
Click the box beside Show Reports to choose which Transmutation will reflect in the report card (can be multiple).
6) Once done, don't forget to click Add subject component. Create multiple components as necessary.
7) Define the percentage per component. Total should be 100%
8) Click the box if the subject component grades should show the Report Card.
9) Once done, don't forget to click Add subject.
10) The new composite subject will be added to the Other Subjects list.
Editing a Subject / Composite Subject / Subject Component
Deleting a Subject
Deleting a Composite Subject
Only the composite subject setting will be deleted but the components will be retained from the components list.
Adding a Subject to the Curriculum
1) Go to Other Subjects list and click on the green + button. The subject will move above to the Offered Subjects list.
2) Once the subject has been added to Offered Subjects, click on the drop-down to select what school term this subject should be taken.
3) Add multiple subject as necessary. Once done, click Save Changes on the upper right side.
4) A prompt message will appear about updating the curriculum. Once reviewed, click Proceed with Changes.
Removing a subject from the Curriculum
1) Go to Offered Subjects list and click on the red - button. The subject will move below to the Other Subjects list.
2) Once done, click Save Changes on the upper right side.
3) A prompt message will appear about updating the curriculum. Once reviewed, click Proceed with Changes.
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