Last updated: May 14, 2020 by CBT
The Announcements Manager helps you keep members of your school community updated with latest school news and announcements that will be seen in Edusuite’s landing page.
Click on the “Announcements” tab found under Dashboard menu. This will bring you the Announcements page.
Creating A New Post
1. To post an announcement in your bulletin, click on the “New Post” button on the upper right corner of your page.
2. A form will appear where you will need to input the details of your announcement. Input the title of your announcement and its details.
3. You have an option to add a reference link for the users to visit. On that part, you can input a label for the link on the left (An example is “Enroll Now”, but by default it will be “Read More”), then the URL on the right.
4. You also have the option to choose your audience. You can choose to post it by category (by program or by user group), then limit it by adding its subcategories below. Choosing "Public" as your audience will allow everyone to see your post.
5. Your announcements are automatically archived by the system, so just input the date you want it to be archived on. This should always be a later date.
6. You can also send the announcement to email and/or SMS by ticking their respective checkboxes.
NOTE: Make sure that you already have SMS and email notification templates for your announcements, which can be found in School Settings.
7. Click “Post” after you have reviewed your post. REMINDER: You cannot edit the announcement after you have posted it, so make sure you did not leave any mistakes. It will only be removed once you reach the archival date.
Editing a post
1. To edit an announcement in your bulletin, click on the pencil/ edit icon on the upper right corner of the announcement's box.
2. Update the post and then click Save Changes.
Manually Archiving A Post
1. Choose an announcement that you want to manually archive, then click on its archive/storage box icon.
2. A validation will appear asking if you are sure you want to archive the post. Click yes to accept.
3. Your post is now archived.
Searching A Post
To search for a posted announcement, input a keyword or more in the search bar above, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The list will be filtered accordingly under Announcements.
Last updated