Principal's Remarks
Last updated: November 25, 2020 by BAS
The Principal's Remarks module is similar to the Adviser's Remarks module where you can give users access to this score sheet-like screen and encode their comments and remarks to be communicated a student's parents or guardians.
Similarly, these remarks may be set to be reflected or hidden in the report cards.
Accessing a Principal's Remarks Sheet
1) Under Ongoing Classes menu group, click the Principal's Remarks button.
2) From here, you can search for the section's scoresheet you'd like to update via the search bar on the upper-right portion of the screen.
3) Once you've found your section's score sheet, click on the 'View Remarks' button.
Encoding the Principal's Remarks
1) Open your section's Principal's Remarks Sheet by following these steps.
You can make use of the term dropdown selector on the upper left portion of the Remarks Sheet to switch from one term to another.
2) Choose a student from the list and click on the text box next to their name.
3) Simply proceed to type the remarks per student and then click on the next text box to proceed to the next student.
Remarks are automatically saved when you click anywhere outside the remarks text box you were updating.
Last updated