School Supplies
Last updated: July 13 2020 by ASL, BAS
Purpose: To setup what school supplies are offered by the school
Prerequisite/dependencies: Units, Tracks/Strands, Grade Levels and Subjects
Output: Supplies that can be assigned to student during enlistment and payment
Go to Planning > Finance Setup > School Supplies
Creating a New School Supply
1) Click +New.
2) Fill out the necessary details:
Type - Type of school supply. (Currently books are the only school type enabled)
Title - Title of the Book
Author - Author of the Book
Additional Details - more details about the book
Price - how much will the Supply cost?
Grade Level - which level should this Supply be applicable? The supply will only show on the selected levels during Enrollment.
Subject Groups
Subjects - Only add subjects when books should only apply to students who will be taking 'special classes'
If a book should be applied or viewable to all students for the selected year level, you do not need to fill out the subjects field.
If your school offers "Advanced" and "Regular" classes, it is recommended to fill out the subjects field and input the "advanced" subject where the book will be used.
3) Once done, don't forget to click Add New School Supply.
Editing a School Supply
Deleting a School Supply
Searching a School Supply
Sorting School Supplies
By Name - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
By Description - alphabetical A-Z or Z-A
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