Academic Score Sheets
Last updated: November 25, 2020 by BAS
The Academic Score Sheets module is where you can find the grading sheets of your students for all subjects.
Under the Ongoing Classes menu group, click on the Academic Score Sheet menu. This list that is loaded is grouped by grade level and strand and then by subject.
Assigning Faculty Members to Score Sheets
1) Under the Ongoing Classes menu group, click on the Academic Score Sheets menu.
2) Click on a subject from the list to expand and view all sections available for the selected subject.
3) Click on "Change teacher".
4) In the pop-up window, select new teacher in the "Teachers" dropdown. Click on "Save changes".
The change in faculty assignment will immediately be reflected in their teacher portals.
Viewing Academic Score Sheets
1) Under the Ongoing Classes menu group, click on the Academic Score Sheets menu.
2) Click on a subject from the list to expand and view all sections available for the selected subject.
3) Once you've selected a section, click the Academic Score Sheet button.
Managing Assessment Tools
Adding new Assessment Tools
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Click on the plus (+) icon of the appropriate component to add an assessment.
4) Set the max score of the assessment.
Updating Assessment Tool Details
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Click on the plus (+) icon of the appropriate component to add an assessment.
4) Hover the mouse cursor over the assessment that needs to be edited. Edit and Delete icons appear.
5) Click on the edit icon. The "Edit assessment tool" window pop ups. Update the values of the description or the date taken.
Assessment tools are arranged based on the date taken fields. If all assessment tools have the same date, these will be sorted by the time the assessment tools were added to the score sheet.
Deleting Assessment Tools
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Hover the mouse cursor over the assessment that needs to be deleted. Edit and Delete icons appear and click on the delete icon.
4) On the warning popup, click Yes.
Encoding Grades
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Click on a student's assessment tool column to begin encoding grades.
You can navigate the score sheet by using your arrow keys, enter key and or tab key.
Mark Students as Excused
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Select the student that will be excused from an assessment. Hover the mouse over the assessment cell. Details icon will appear (i).
4) Click on the details icon and in the pop-up window, indicate remarks and click on the checkbox "Excused".
5) Student will be marked as excused for that assessment.
Adding Extra Points or PLUS Grades
Additional points can be given to students. These are added to their final raw grade.
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Select the student that will be given plus points.
4) Input the number of points to be given to the student.
Personalizing a Student's Transmuted Grades
A student's transmutation can be changed.
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Select the student which the transmutation table will be changed and click on the edit button.
4) On the confirmation screen, select the new transmutation to be applied to the student and click Replace.
Sending the Raw Grades to Students
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Select "Send Grades".
4) In the pop-up window that appears, select the date range of the assessment tools to be sent.
5) A notification message will appear that the grades have been successfully sent.
Downloading an Excel copy of the Academic Score Sheet
1) Under "Ongoing Classes", select "Academic Score Sheets". Click a subject from the list to expand it.
2) Click on "Academic Grading Sheet". Select the term from the dropdown.
3) Click on the Download button on the upper right portion of the screen.
Last updated