Tuition Plans
Last updated: July 3, 2020 by ASL
At this part, you can customize the breakdown of fees for the students’ tuition in a particular term.
Go to Finance > Finance Setup > Tuition Plans.
Creating A New Tuition Plan From Scratch
1) Click +New Plan to create a new plan, select From scratch
2) Name it as necessary. Click Add Payment Plan to save.
Adding Fees inside the Tuition Plan
Rules can be set for each fee depending on the need. This is especially useful on fees, which are only applicable to certain department, program, course, etc.
1) Click View Plan.
2) Click + New Fee.
3) Fill out the necessary details:
Label - what to call the discount
Account Code - to which ledger account should this fee be grouped into?; should be from Ledger Code entries
Fee Type - choose one:
Tuition - Fixed Price
Laboratory - Fixed Price
Tuition - Per Unit ( Total Units )
Lab - Per Unit ( Total Units )
Tuition - Per Unit ( Composite Units )
Lab - Per Unit ( Composite Units )
Miscellaneous - Composite Price
Other Fees
Price - how much will the Fee cost?
Applies To - set certain rules for the fee
All - fee is applicable to all students
College - fee is only applicable to a certain college/s
Department - fee is only applicable to a certain department/s
Program - fee is only applicable to a certain program/s
Course - fee is only applicable if a student is taking the indicated course/s
Room Type - fee is only applicable if a student has a schedule in the indicated room type
Data Field - fee is only applicable if the student has satisfied the indicated data field. Available fields would come from the created User Information Fields assigned to students.
Applies To can have multiple rules to further filter how the fee can be applied.
4) Once done, don't forget to click Add Fee.
Editing Fees inside the Tuition Plan
Deleting Fees inside the Tuition Plan
Going back to the Tuition Plan Main Page
Renaming a Tuition Plan
Assigning a Term to a Tuition Plan
1) Click the pen button of the tuition plan then and rename the plan.
2) Select a Term from the drop-down.
3) Click Update Payment Plan.
Deleting a Tuition Plan
Searching a Tuition Plan
Creating a New Tuition Plan From Existing Plan
1) Click +New Plan to create a new plan, select From existing plan.
2) Name it as necessary. Select what plan it should be duplicated from.
3) Click Add Payment Plan to save.
Last updated