Payment Settings

Last updated: October 18, 2020 by BAS

To access additional payment or finance settings, go to Finance Setup > Payment Settings.

Late Penalty Exemption

Apply a threshold to prevent the automated penalty system from topping up on a student's assessment.

The automated penalty system can be set in the Payment Schemes menu.

1) Hover over the field under 'Amount in Pesos' and double click to edit.

2) Input the amount

3) Click on any space in the screen except the amount field to autosave. A confirmation toast/notification will be displayed.

Payment Cancellation Remarks

Set up templates to be used when cancelling payments.

Adding Payment Cancellation Remarks

1) Click on the edit button

2) A pop-up will appear where you can edit the templates or options when cancelling payments. Click the + Add Value button if you would like to add additional templates.

3) Type the remarks option you would like to add and click Update Remarks.

Deleting Payment Cancellation Remarks

1) Click on the edit button

2) Choose the remarks/option you would like to remove and click the delete button.

3) Click 'Update Remarks' for the changes to take effect.

How to verify if Payment Cancellation Remarks were updated

1) Go to Finance > Payments and select a student

2) Click View Transactions on a term which contains a payment and choose a transaction.

3) On the chosen payment, click Cancel. A pop-up should appear for you to view and select the payment cancellation remark to be applied.

4) Click on the dropdown to view all cancellation remarks and double check if your setup matches the available options.

5) Click 'No' to cancel the payment cancellation.

Do not click 'Yes' if you are only verifying if the settings match.

Withholding Tax Amount

This setting applies to all transactions when set up and can be viewed from the Sales Report. This is currently under further enhancement.

1) Hover over the field under 'Percentage Amount' and double click to edit.

2) Input the percentage amount.

3) Click on any space in the screen except the amount field to autosave. A confirmation toast/notification will be displayed.

Merchant Discount Rate

This setting applies to all transactions when set up and can be viewed from the Sales Report. This is currently under further enhancement.

1) Hover over the field under 'Percentage Amount' and double click to edit.

2) Input the percentage amount.

3) Click on any space in the screen except the amount field to autosave. A confirmation toast/notification will be displayed.


Automatically mark students as officially enrolled if their assessment amounts to 0.00

If enabled, all students with 0.00 assessment during the enlistment process will automatically be marked as officially enrolled. A Php 0.00 transaction will be recorded and will be tagged under the 'Scholarship' payment mode.

1) To enable, click the on/off toggle.

2) Indicate or type the Payment Remarks to be automatically applied to the transaction.

3) Select the default reconciliation bank where the 0.00 payment will be recorded.

Last updated